Girl's night out.
Abby and I went out for "girls night" tonight. We headed over to the mall, on a mission. We found two dresses for her almost instantly, and just as easily found a pair of shoes, and a new purse for her for the wedding tomorrow. Afterwards, we wandered around from dress to dress, until I finally settled on one I like OK. I ran down to the shoe department and found a pair of heels that work well with the dress, and I got myself a purse too. I figured if Abby got a new one, why not? We were both hungry... shopping will do that to you, so we got dinner and ice cream! Abby didn't care what flavor of ice cream she had, as long as it was pink (her new favorite color)! So, she wound up with rasberry sherbert. She was as happy as a lark. On our way home, we decided to drive by Al and Dot's (just because), and it so happened that Al was just pulling up to the house at the same time we were driving by. We stopped in to say hello, because Abby, of course, wanted to show off her new purse and dresses. We stayed for about an hour or so, but by then Abby and I were worn out (shopping will do that to you too)! We said goodbye, and headed the four blocks home. We showed George what we had bought, and then I quickly put curlers in Abby's hair, before she put up too much of a protest. She looks so cute with her hair all rolled up in the curlers!! It will look really cute for the wedding tomorrow too (when I take the rollers out, of course)! Anyway, I'll report back about the whole wedding on Sunday, I suppose.
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