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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Mrs. R: Hey Georgie, your pants are on backwards!

Georgie: No, my pants are not backwards... my BODY is backwards.

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Week (so far) in Review

Monday: Stepped on a nail.
Tuesday: Drove from one Home Depot to the next by myself for 9 hours (literally) to (not) find materials for kitchen remodel with all three children.
Wednesday: Received tetanus shot.
Thursday: Spent two hours cleaning up (with my sore arm) after Georgie pooped his pants and tracked it throughout the entire house.
Friday: I'm a little scared to find out what tomorrow brings...

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Is it wrong that while sitting on the couch watching a movie, I finished off the half empty bags of jelly beans, malted eggs, and Butterfinger eggs that would not fit into the kids' Easter baskets? It's not that I really WANTED to eat all that candy... Really, I was just trying to do the right thing. I mean, I had to do away with the evidence of wrappers and bags before the kids woke up tomorrow, and it would have been wrong to let it all go to waste. Right??